The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess
Why did we make Boosts - @browsercompany
Why did we make Boosts?@joshm answers in a new essay… 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑃𝑜𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑏𝑙𝑒 — The Browser Company (@browsercompany) June 1, 2023
I don't want to go back to social media
Pocket Casts Mobile Apps Are Now Open Source – Pocket Casts Blog
iPad 10的神奇操作
Link ⇢ Apple introduced a new iPad this morning, and it has no option for plugging in wired headphones. The lack of a headphone jack isn’t entirely new for the iPad; the more expensive Air and Pro models already dropped the port a while back. But this new model is
最近的俄乌冲突引出了不少事。不少软件开发商作出反应,有以反对战争为名,禁止俄罗斯使用产品,有以人道主义为名,为乌克兰募捐的,不募捐的就开始送软件。这里面应该是各有千秋。 我个人认为,软件开发商制裁俄罗斯纯属扯淡。所谓的借此提醒俄政府停止战争,但其造成的影响应该与预期相反。政治和军事决策如果轻易因为商业公司就改变的话,那真的是资本主导世界了。事实上,如果商业公司制裁使用的话,结果一定是只有普通人受影响,或者转向封闭,或者寻找其他替代,或者增加使用成本继续使用,总而言之有百害而无一利。 政府当然会选择无视,现成的例子就不用提了。当人民生活开始将就时,造成的是民怨,这些公司想象结果即使得到了,也是得不偿失。受伤的永远是普通人。
整顿饭圈:网络治理新风暴之下,监管对自我组织的瓦解 - 端传媒
Link ⇢ 本次治理的性质可见,政府并非将整顿饭圈作为文化产业的内部规范问题看待,而是将其视为网络空间治理的一部分。饭圈是娱乐工业的一部分,然而它的媒介属性十分突出:内陆饭圈依托腾讯、新浪等网络平台聚成团体,少有线下社群,又同屡禁不止的流量经济、水军营销关系紧密,这使得饭圈在网络空间中声量颇大,野蛮生长。饭圈本身并不那么重要,但与互联网巨头捆绑在一起的饭圈值得认真对待。
The weird conflicted life of the Apple TV - SixColors
Link ⇢ If you just want to watch video on Netflix, Apple TV is expensive. If you want to get in apple ecosystem, Apple TV is a good choice.
iPad multitasking won’t be as terrible with iPadOS 15 - XDA
Link ⇢ iPad到底有没有生产力真的是各抒己见,我个人认为,iPadOS发展到现在,还是欠缺一点火候,比上不足比下有余。
Apple to Allow Reader Apps to Link to Account Management Pages on the Web in Early 2022 - MacStories
Link ⇢ Second, the developers of ‘reader’ apps can only share ‘a single link to their website to help users set up and manage their account.’ That language suggests, for example, that users could follow a link in the Kindle app to manage their Amazon account and perhaps initiate Kindle book
Netflix intensifies VPN ban and targets residential IP addresses | Hacker News
Link ⇢ [] > All of these problems and many more are bypassed with a good VPN. It amazes me how few services ever take into consideration that people don't always live and work in their country of origin. If VPN's
Increasing HTTPS adoption - Chromium Blog
Link ⇢ [] > To try and reduce this confusion, Chrome will run an experiment in M93 that replaces the lock in the address bar with a more neutral entry point to Page Info (example below).
2021新年寄语 - 左岸读书
Link ⇢ [] > “知道”,距离“懂得”很远。而“懂得”,距离“学会”则更远。这就是许多人知道许多道理,但依然过不好人生的原因。 纯正的“幽默”,其核心能力本应来自:思想具有更高的维度,并愉快而善意地向下兼容,这时,它的受众才有机会感受“幽默”——而非嘲笑、谩骂或讽刺。
电派 iMac G4 无线充电底座
Link ⇢ [] > 底座底部提供了新型的纳米胶贴,可以很好地固定在桌面上,也能够轻松取下挪动位置,这个胶贴可以重复使用,如果上面沾满了灰尘导致粘性降低,只需要用湿巾清理干净就可以恢复此前的粘性。
On learning a new programming language
Link ⇢ [] > By reading a code snippet, one could establish whether a new Java developer or a former C one was the author. Curly braces on a new line were one clue.
new Safari tabs UI - Grumpy Website
Link ⇢ [] > To drag the whole window, drag a tab? To drag a tab, you need to press and hold (!!!). A gesture that is unprecendented in macOS. To drag current tab, you need to drag a textfield.
Robustness principle - Wikipedia
Link ⇢ [] > In computing [], the robustness principle is a design guideline for software that states: “be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others”. It is often reworded as: “be conservative in
Concept: Using Maps to Fix Safari on iOS 15 - Birchtree
Link ⇢ [] > The point of this exercise was to take a UI that appears to solve similar problems and see how it worked in Safari. I think it looks pretty good on the surface, and given how the UI was pretty universally celebrated when it